Shoppsie displays thousands of up-to date coupons and deals to our users and all of our coupons are provided by the merchants themselves.
Shoppsie allows you to choose the coupon that saves you the most on your order. We don’t “automatically apply” coupons because next-day shipping may be more valuable than 20% off.
Shoppsie will only notify users by lighting up when there are coupons available for the website you are shopping at. No annoying popups or windows to close.
Hundreds of coupons added daily.
Stop wasting time searching through websites for coupon codes that don’t work.
With Shoppsie, we notifiy you when promotions are available for the websites you are shopping on while you shop online.
“I loved this chrome extension, I didn't realize it was running in background and suddenly it popped up at checkout page and saved me couple of dollars at the order submission page. Kudos....”
Akintoyeje Oluwatosin
“Just install app, one click and it saves you money by searching best price!”
Don Tosign
“Shoppsie always saves me money. LOVE IT !!!! You never know it's there but, it is always watching your purchases and counting your discounts for you.”
Mercy Amrae
“Saved me almost 10% on my order! Awesome!”
Johnson Exchange
Other extensions auto-apply coupons which may not result in the best deal for you. For example, if you need your purchase tomorrow, expedited shipping might be more valuable than saving 20%. With Shoppsie you see all the coupons available so you can choose which coupon makes the most sense to use.
So you know the extension code has been verified and is safe to use.
Logging in activates your extension and helps protect our data.
Shoppsie lights up as you shop in the Chrome browser so you know if there are money saving coupons available.